Prescription Discount Programs & Other Resources

For Healthcare Expenses Not Covered by Insurance

We understand that costs for some prescription drugs can be unreasonably high. There are assistance programs available to help with drug costs and other potentially costly services in the health system.

Prescription Drug Assistance
Credible drug coverage administered by the State of Wisconsin that has different tiers based on income.
Website that gives various assistance programs for assistance paying for brand name drugs and a drug discount card. They also host webinars to show consumers ways they can save on prescription medications.
Prescription drug coupon site.
Prescription drug coupon site.
Online pharmacy that offers prescription medications at a reduced cost.

Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Coverage

Additional Resources

State health insurance with income-based eligibility. To apply or find more information, visit the Access website or call the local consortium.

Chronic Needs Funds

Medicare Part B Forms
Interest group that focuses on issues that affect those ages 50 and up.