Employer Group Plans
Health Insurance Benefits for Employees
Are you a micro-business with 2 to 10 employees struggling to find comprehensive coverage options for your employees? Are you a group of less than 5 FTE employees looking for major medical insurance? Or are you looking to provide additional benefits to offer your employees, such as dental? We can help you find coverage options to fit the needs of your business!
Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)
These programs offer more affordability and flexibility for small employers who wish to provide health and/or dental insurance to their employees. They are available to businesses and non-profit organizations who have 1-50 FTE employees and have at least one employee enrolling in coverage who is not the owner, business partner, or spouse of the owner or business partner. The employer can decide how much to contribute towards employee premiums and whether to offer coverage to dependents of the employee. They can also choose to offer one plan or allow employees to select from multiple options.
Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA)
ICHRAs are an employer-funded, tax-advantaged health benefit where business owners determine a set budget to reimburse their employees for health insurance, and workers buy the plan that works best for them. They allow businesses the ability to offer employees a monthly allowance of tax-free money and choose which medical expenses to cover, set eligibility criteria, and offer different reimbursement levels. This allows flexibility, which allows businesses to customize a plan that fits their needs, control costs, and address ACA compliance for applicable large employers.

Group Health Insurance Plan Providers
Click each logo to visit provider website with plan information.
Frequently Asked Questions About Employer Group Health Plans
Still have questions? Contact us for a free consultation!